Quantum Networking with Photons
Quantum science is poised to revolutionize the world by driving massive advances in computing, information security, and next generation sensors. Here in Urbana, we are launching the first publicly accessible quantum network with a kickoff event at the Urbana Free Library starting at 1 pm on November 4. Light will travel over fiber optic cables between the Loomis Laboratory of Physics and the Urbana Free Library to establish a quantum link between the two places. This quantum link is based on a unique and uniquely weird quantum property of nature called “entanglement.” This talk will explain what it really means to have quantum entangled particles, how we measure entanglement, and what we can do with it now and in the future.
For more on the Public Quantum Network, visit here.
Learn more about Professor Elizabeth Goldschmidt on the Physics website: https://physics.illinois.edu/people/directory/profile/goldschm
High school students can also register for this event here: https://enroll.illinois.edu/register/saturday_physics_11_4_2023