Pediatric Residency MM&I

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May Pediatric Residency MM&I

Event Type
Pediatric Residency Program
Gandhi Conference Room
wifi event
May 23, 2024   12:00 - 1:00 pm  

Pediatric department Morbidity, Mortality and Improvement conference is usually the 4th Thursday of the month (calendar attached) from 12-1pm in the Gandhi conference room. We do also stream via Zoom for those at off-site clinics that cannot easily make it back to the hospital, but would strongly encourage in person attendance.

MM&I conferences are intended to stimulate interactive discussion for quality improvement measures with collaborative efforts amongst all care team members. 
MM&I Goals and Objectives:
 • To provide a safe venue for care teams to identify areas of improvement, and promote professionalism, ethical integrity and transparency in assessing and improving patient care.
 • To promote leadership, research, and scholarly activity and incorporate the six core ACGME competencies into a learning opportunity
 • To provide a forum to teach curriculum on quality improvement and medico legal issues to all care team members.
 • To foster a climate of openness and discussion about medical errors without blame.

All participants are reminded that Morbidity Mortality and Improvement conferences and discussion in relation to it is highly privileged and confidential– subject to peer review and medical review protections.

Please feel free to forward the invite to other team members who might be interested.

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