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Logic Seminar

Event Type
Department of Mathematics
Altgeld 143
Sep 18, 2024   2:00 pm  
Ben Castle
Ben Castle
Originating Calendar
General Events - Department of Mathematics

First talk of the Fall 2024 logic seminar.

Title: Complex Polynomials up to Interdefinability

Abstract: Let P and Q be polynomial functions in several variables over the complex numbers. Say that P defines Q if the graph of Q is definable with parameters in the first-order language with P as its only non-logical symbol (interpreted on the complex numbers in the obvious way). Then say that P and Q are interdefinable if each defines the other. For example, one can check that x+y and x-y are interdefinable, but x+y and xy are not.

In this talk, we will first experiment with some toy examples of this notion of interdefinability. Then, based on joint work with Chieu-Minh Tran, I will present a complete classification of multivariable complex polynomials up to interdefinability. (The surprise: there are not as many classes as you might expect). Time permitting, I will describe the proof strategy, which uses a mix of results from logic, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry.

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