Department of Mathematics - Master Calendar

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Rudradip Biswas (Warwick): An Antieau-Gepner-Heller conjecture and generalizations

Event Type
UIUC Math Department
Altgeld 241
Oct 22, 2024   11:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Topology Seminar

It was first conjectured by Antieau, Gepner, and Heller (and is now a theorem due to Neeman) that for a noetherian finite dimensional scheme X, the category of perfect complexes over X has a bounded t-structure iff X is regular. I will talk about a general result that I proved jointly with Hongxing Chen, Kabeer M Rahul, C Parker, and Junhua Zheng (arxiv:2401.00130) that gives a new obstruction to the existence of bounded t-structures on triangulated categories satisfying a small finiteness condition. Our result, when applied to Perf(X) for X noetherian finite-dimensional, outputs the earlier result. Several other relevant existing results get generalized or improved in the process. I will discuss applications of our results to triangulated categories arising from E1-rings.

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