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GGT seminar: Branched covers and SU(2)-representations.

Event Type
Groups, Geometry, and Topology Seminar
347 Altgeld
Sep 19, 2024   11:00 am - 12:00 pm  
Juanita Pinzón-Caicedo (Notre Dame)
Originating Calendar
Groups, Geometry, and Topology Calendar

The fundamental group is one of the most powerful invariants to distinguish closed three-manifolds, and the existence of non-trivial homomorphisms pi_1(M) --> SU(2) is a great way of measuring the non-triviality of a three-manifold M. It is known that if an integer homology 3-sphere is either Seifert fibered or toroidal, then irreducible representations do exist. In contrast, the existence of SU(2)-representations for hyperbolic homology spheres has not been completely established. With this as motivation, I will talk about partial progress made in the case of hyperbolic homology spheres realized as branched covers. This is joint work with Sudipta Ghosh.

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