Department of Mathematics - Master Calendar

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Algebra-Geometry-Combinatorics Seminar

Event Type
Algebra-Geometry-Combinatorics Seminar
Altgeld Hall 345
May 16, 2024   3:00 - 3:50 pm  
Originating Calendar
Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Seminar

Speaker: Jaewon Min

Title: Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and Newell-Littlewood numbers

Abstract: By inventing the notion of honeycombs, A. Knutson and T. Tao proved the saturation conjecture for Littlewood-Richardson coefficients in 1999. The Newell-Littlewood numbers are a generalization of the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients [Gao-Orelowitz-Yong '21]. In ''stable range'', they are also tensor product multiplicities of classical Lie groups: type B, C and D [Koike ‘89]. By introducing honeycombs on a Möbius strip, I will discuss about the saturation conjecture for Newell-Littlewood numbers posed by S. Gao, G. Orelowitz and A. Yong.

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