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Vesna Stojanoska (Topology seminar): Bounding the K(n)-local exotic Picard group at n=p-1

Event Type
Department of Mathematics
143 Altgeld
Mar 26, 2024   11:00 am  
Vesna Stojanoska
Originating Calendar
Topology Seminar

I will report on joint work with Bobkova, Lachmann, Li, Lima, and Zhang, in which we bound the descent filtration of the exotic Picard group κn, for a prime number p>3 and n=p-1. Our method involves a detailed comparison of the Picard spectral sequence, the homotopy fixed point spectral sequence, and an auxiliary β-inverted homotopy fixed point spectral sequence whose input is the Farrell-Tate cohomology of the Morava stabilizer group. Along the way, we deduce that the K(n)-local Adams-Novikov spectral sequence for the sphere has a horizontal vanishing line at 3n2+1 on the E2n2+2-page. 

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