Title: Symplectic toric orbibundles and orbifold coverings
Abstract: In the world of manifolds Delzant correspondence provides a beautiful interplay between toric symplectic manifolds and certain class of polytopes. E. Lerman and S. Tolman extended this correspondence to orbifolds. Even though orbifolds have very simple singularities, weird things start to occur. In constrast to toric manifolds, which are simply connected, toric orbifolds have non-trivial coverings. Orbibundles also become more obscure, since now one fiber can non-trivially cover another. In my talk I will try to guide you through this madness by looking at how all this works for weighted projective spaces and their moment polytopes.Title: Symplectic toric orbibundles and orbifold coveringsTitle: Symplectic toric orbibundles and orbifold coverings