Department of Mathematics - Master Calendar

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Fiber classification for hypersemitoric systems

Event Type
Symplectic and Poisson geometry seminar
347 Altgeld Hall
Apr 3, 2023   3:00 pm  
Sonja Hohloch
Originating Calendar
General Events - Department of Mathematics

This talk starts with motivating the definition of hypersemitoric systems which are two degree of freedom integrable Hamiltonian systems on 4-dimensional symplectic manifolds with possibly mild degeneracies where one of the integrals gives rise to an effective Hamiltonian S^1-action. Then we give a brief overview of their main features and some examples before we sketch a topological classification of their fibers using 'labeled graphs'. This talk starts with motivating the definition of hypersemitoric systems which are two degree of freedom integrable Hamiltonian systems on 4-dimensional symplectic manifolds with possibly mild degeneracies where one of the integrals gives rise to an effective Hamiltonian S^1-action. Then we give a brief overview of their main features and some examples before we sketch a topological classification of their fibers using 'labeled graphs'.

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