Department of Mathematics - Master Calendar

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Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Event Type
Algebraic Geometry Group, Department of Mathematics
Altgeld 145
Mar 25, 2025   3:00 pm  
Nolan Schock (UIC)
Originating Calendar
Algebraic Geometry Calendar

Title: Geometry of moduli of marked cubic surfaces

Abstract: The moduli space of marked cubic surfaces is one of the most classical moduli spaces in algebraic geometry, dating back to the nineteenth century work of Cayley and Salmon. I will discuss a number of results describing geometrically meaningful and interesting compactifications of the moduli space of marked cubic surfaces from the perspectives of modern moduli theory, birational geometry, tropical geometry, classical algebraic geometry, and Hodge theory. These results include explicit descriptions of the combinatorics, intersection theory, and birational geometry of these compactifications, as well as a complete, detailed description of the surfaces they parameterize.

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