CPSC Seminars

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"How a biogeochemical approach can reveal blinds spots in nutrient management" with Dr. Andrew Margenot

Event Type
Department of Crop Sciences
W109 - Turner Hall
Dec 6, 2023   12:00 - 1:05 pm  
Dr. Andrew Margenot
Originating Calendar
CPSC Seminars CSPC

The talk will feature Andrew Margenot, Associate Professor, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois

Seminar title - How a biogeochemical approach can reveal blinds spots in nutrient management

Abstract - Ecologically simplified landscapes of the Midwest US are often assumed to be biogeochemically less complex than ecosystems and thus overlooked by biogeochemists. However, the challenges facing agroecosystem functions in this landscape, in particular nutrient use efficiency and fate, necessitate an integrated biogeochemical approach. We will evaluate three examples of how biogeochemistry can afford insights to nutrient management, both increasing nutrient use efficiency of inputs and better tracking and monitoring nutrient losses, using case studies from Illinois.

There will be time for interacting with the speakers after the presentation.

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