The UIUC Student Chapter of NOBCChE is excited to present the Spring 2025 St. Elmo Brady Symposium. The St. Elmo Brady Lecture Series is held each semester to honor Illinois chemistry alumnus St. Elmo Brady (PhD, ’16). This year’s event will feature breakfast at 9:30am preceding a lecture from our esteemed speaker Dr. Segun V. Obisesan from the Evonik Corporation. Panels and a poster session will follow.
All students, faculty, and staff are welcome – you do not have to be a NOBCChE member to attend!
Breakfast will be provided at 9:30 am for the first 40 attendees and lunch will be provided at 12 pm for the first 60 attendees who register at this link. Registration is completely free.
The poster session is open to undergraduate and graduate students conducting research in chemistry and chemical engineering. You do not need to be a NOBCChE member to participate! This is a great opportunity to practice presenting a research poster while receiving feedback from your peers. We encourage presentations of research projects at any and all stages, whether it is an initial literature review or a well-developed project. Two $200 VISA gift cards will be awarded; one to the best graduate poster, and the other to the best undergraduate poster as determined by the judges. If you are interested in presenting a poster, please register at this link.
The registration deadline for judges and presenters is Friday, Jan 31. Please contact NOBCChE via email ( with any questions and visit our website for more information.
Thank you,UIUC NOBCChE Executive Board