Mind in Vitro: an NSF Expedition In Computing

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MiV Seminar: Jordi Soriano-Fradera "Neuronal cultures, a fascinating toolbox: from complex systems and neuroengineering to medicine"

Event Type
NSF Expeditions - Mind in Vitro
NCSA Building - Room 1040
wifi event
Sep 20, 2024   4:00 - 5:00 pm  


Biological neurons grown in the laboratory in the form of neuronal cultures are one of the most compelling examples of a complex system, in which an ensemble of initially disconnected neurons is able to reconnect and form a de novo complex network within days. In this talk, I will describe how different neuroengineering strategies can be implemented to guide the connectivity among neurons and mold their collective behavior, for instance to mimic key dynamical traits observed in the brain. For some specific engineered configurations, I will also show how neuronal cultures can be used to model resilience to damage and help to explore exciting problems such as the role of hubs. Finally, I will provide examples of the strong potential of neuronal cultures derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells to model neurological disorders in vitro and help developing new therapies for patients.


Jordi studied Physics and carried out a PhD in statistical physics and fluid dynamics at the University of Barcelona, Spain. He next moved to Germany for a 3-year postdoc in biophysics and developmental biology, studying the formation of the head-foot axis of the polyp Hydra. In 2005 he started a second, 4-year postdoc in neuroscience in the group of Prof. Elisha Moses at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, developing new experimental techniques in neuroscience.

Jordi returned to Barcelona in 2008 to establish his own experimental group in neuroscience, setting up a leading group in Europe that uses neuronal cultures as a complex systems laboratory. His work combines physics, neuroengineering and medicine. A permanent position as associate professor was granted in 2015. He promoted the creation, and is presently deputy director, of the University of Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems.

Part of the Illinois Computer Science Speakers Series. 

Faculty Host: Mattia Gazzola

Food will be provided after the seminar.

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