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Curatorial Strategies in Design: Reconstruction as Performative Practice

Event Type
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, School of Architecture UIUC, School of Art and Design
Oct 3, 2024   10:00 am - 1:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

Join us for an enriching workshop on October 3rd at 10 AM (location details to be confirmed). 

Dive into innovative curatorial strategies and explore interdisciplinary approaches in design. 

*Lunch will be provided.

"Curatorial work in design is highly interdisciplinary, and often requires bringing expertise together from fields such as architecture, history, design, engineering, and others. It may also involve reconstructing objects and spaces that do not have original examples that can be studied and copied. The main objective of this session is to generate new knowledge through the original and interdisciplinary blending of research and creation, based on innovative curatorship in design. In this workshop students will be able to develop creative curatorial strategies for design; learn about specific cases of design curatorship in contexts with interdisciplinary demands for local and internacional audiences; study and select historical or contemporary design products of high significance that are absent or unavailable; propose the complete or partial reconstruction or repair of such design objects in order to generate a speculative and performative prototype intended for display."


Prof. Edén Medina: is an Associate Professor in the Program for Science, Technology, and Society at MIT. She authored Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende’s Chile (MIT Press, 2011), which won the 2012 Edelstein Prize and Computer History Museum Prize. Her co-edited volume, Beyond Imported Magic (MIT Press, 2014), received the Amsterdamska Award. Her research explores science, technology, design, and political change. She holds a Ph.D. from MIT and a master’s in law from Yale.

Prof. Hugo Parmarola: is an Associate Professor at the School of Design, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with a Ph.D. in Latin American Studies from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He won the 2018 Student Essay Prize from the Design History Society and, with Pedro Alonso, received the 2014 Silver Lion at the Venice Architecture Biennale and the 2014 Deutsches Architekturmuseum Book Award for Monolith Controversies. Palmarola also co-curated the Flying Panels exhibition and published related books. He has been recognized as an international scholar by the Society for the History of Technology and has contributed to Extinct: A Compendium of Obsolete Objects.

Dr. Pedro Ignacio Alonso: holds a Ph.D. in Architecture from the Architectural Association in London and leads the Ph.D. program in Architecture and Urban Studies at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He was a Princeton-Mellon Fellow (2015-2016) and a Resident Architect at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Centre (2019). Alonso, with Hugo Palmarola, won the 2014 Silver Lion for the Chilean Pavilion Monolith Controversies at the Venice Architecture Biennale. Their works include Panel (2014), the Flying Panels exhibition (2019-2020), and Cycles (2022). He also co-edited How to Design a Revolution (2024) with Eden Medina and Hugo Palmarola.

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