Abstract: Since the discovery of the AlGaAs wet oxidation technique used in semiconductor laser for current and optical confinement by the UIUC John D. Dallesasse and Nick Holonyak, Jr. in the late 1990s, the oxide-confined VCSELs have provided a cost-effective solution to the short-reach (SR) (< 100 m) optical interconnects in data centers. Due to the differential modal delay and modal and chromatic dispersion, the multi-mode (MM) oxide-VCSEL is limited to transmission distance of < 100 m in OM4 fiber. Thus, MM-VCSEL is not a suitable solution for the transmitter of the DR (~ 500 m) and FR (~ 2 km) optical links in the data center. At UIUC under C-NICE, we designed SM-VCSELs with a different approach which is based on a novel integrated mode-filter (IMSF) structure (Our Invention) to reduce thermally limited laser operating bandwidth for stable high-speed operation and long-distance data transmission. Our initial work demonstrated state-of-the-art (SOA) and record speed performance of 38 Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) error-free optical data transmission. We recently demonstrated 112 Gb/s two-mode and single mode oxide-VCSEL for short-reach PAM4 data transmission and 96 Gb/s SM-VCSEL over 1 km for OM4 and SMF-28 Fibers.
Biography: Dr. Milton Feng holds the Nick Holonyak Jr. Chair emeritus professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 2005. He graduated in 1979 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under Dr. Gregory E. Stillman. After graduation, he joined Hughes Aircraft Company in Torrance, CA, where he was the head of the material and device group. He developed GaAs MMICs for X-band Phase array radar and demonstrated the 1st 60GHz GaAs FET Amplifier (1982). In 1984, he joined Ford Microelectronics, Inc. in Colorado Springs, CO. He was promoted to CTO and director of GaAs Operation in charge of advanced development and pilot line production of both digital and millimeter integrated circuit technology for GaAs supercomputer, satellite link, and security communication.
Following his 12 years research and development work microwave monolithic ICs and high-speed digital IC at Hughes and Ford, he joined the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1991 as a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Center for Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics Laboratory. He has worked on III-V FET MMIC technology, high-speed HBT and FET integrated circuits, RF MEMS and RF CMOS, and optoelectronic IC’s. He worked with Prof. Stillman developed microwave C-doped InGaP/GaAs HBT (solve the reliability and performance issues). And today, over 80% wireless power amplifier use of InGaP HBT MMICs. He holds the world records for the fastest transistor (fT > 845 GHz) use pseudormorphic base and collector in SHBT and late he developed fastest DHBT (fT > 700 GHz) use type-II transistor with Sb-Based HBT. He has continuously collaborated with Keysights to develop next generation of Type II Sb based DHBT for > 100 GHz Mixed Signal ICs which is widely use in Keysight high speed test equipment. In 2003, he (with Prof. Holonyak) invents a novel device called the transistor laser (TL). In 2004, he demonstrates room temperature CW three-port operation (an electrical input with an electrical output and a laser output). He and Holonyak made a fundamental “breakthrough” in reduced “recombination lifetime” of ~ 1 ns in semiconductor diode laser to ~ 10 ps in transistor laser. The recombination lifetime is the fundamental limitation of laser modulation speed. In 2013, he is the recipient of OSA R.W. Wood Prize for the co-Invention of Transistor laser. In 2021, he and his students developed cryogenic oxide VCSEL under IARPA Supercable project and demonstrated record bandwidth > 50 GHz at 82K, lowest laser operation at 2.6 K and superconductor SFQ BPG processor driven VCSEL for up to 20 Gb/s error-free optical link at 4K.
He is the board directors of Supertex (NASDAQ) and QEOS (startup). His honors include being elected as an IEEE Fellow (1992) and Fellow of OSA (2003). He is the recipient of the IEEE David Sarnoff Award (1997) and the Dr. Pan Wen Yuan Award for noise studies in microelectronics (2000) as well as OSA R. W. Prize (2013) for co-Invention of Transistor Laser. He was named the first Nick Holonyak Jr. Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Prof. Feng has published over 257 journal papers, 259 conference papers, and awards 40 patents (23 patents in TL). He has graduated over 48 Ph.D. and 38 M.S degrees.
Authors: Haonan Wu, Dufei Wu, Xin Yu, Milton Feng
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