Campuswide Study Abroad Events

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Gilman Scholarship Drop-In Advising Event

Event Type
ACES Study Abroad
Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center (BNAACC)
Oct 7, 2024   3:00 - 6:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
ACES Study Abroad

Are you currently working on a Gilman Scholarship? Interested in feedback on your application before the October 10, 2024, deadline? Interested in talking with a study abroad advisor? If so, attend this event!

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship provides enrolled students, who are Pell Grant recipients, up to $5,000 for either study abroad or an internship abroad. If you plan to study a language critical to U.S. national security while abroad, you can apply for an additional $3,000. If you plan to conduct STEM-related research while studying abroad, you can apply for an additional $1,000.   

Advisors from the National & International Scholarships Program (NIS), the Writer's Workshop, and LAS International Programs want to help you experience study abroad! 

NIS and the Writer's Workshop will be on hand to discuss and provide feedback on your application essays. LAS Program Advisors will share knowledge about UIUC study abroad programs and their experience as Gilman Scholars. And pizza will be served!  

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