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Benin GLBL 298 Information Session

Event Type
LAS International Programs
Lincoln Hall, Room 2043
wifi event
Apr 27, 2023   2:00 pm  
Richard Akresh
LAS International Programs
Originating Calendar
LAS International Programs Events

Interested in Global Economic Development interventions as they currently play out in the context of West Africa? 

This GLBL 298 course on Economic Development might be a great fit for you! Join us and lead professor Richard Akresh as we delve into the specifics of this Fall 23 POT B + Winter Break study abroad course based in Benin, West Africa. Discussion will include an overview of on-campus class meetings, on-site excursions and itinerary, course requirements and recommendations, etc. 

This course provides a great opportunity in critically analyzing diverging global narratives surrounding the "Africa Development Problem" and allows students to gain a first-hand look into how those narratives shape local responses and lived realities. On-site excursions include visits with different governmental, non-governmental, and private business organizations to examine the complexity of economic development issues in Africa. Students will meet with the U.S. Ambassador, visit Peace Corps volunteer projects in action, conduct field research, visit the African School of Economics, and meet with local university students. This program will challenge preconceived notions about the meaning of globalization and development—specifically as it relates to and impacts Beninese individuals. A 3-day, 2-night home-stay in a rural village is included.

Click here for more info on the course.

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