NCSA staff who would like to submit an item for the calendar can email
Food for Thought: A series of public events featuring research and creative projects by recent CAS Associates and Fellows.
We are delighted to showcase the work of some of our most productive and creative faculty in this informal series of intellectually and spiritually invigorating presentations. You are invited to drop in when you can to learn about the exciting projects undertaken by our faculty.
11:00am-11:45am: Yuguo Chen, CAS Associate 2023-24, Statistics
Statistical Inference on Network Data
Network structures arise in modeling a wide variety of systems in sciences and engineering. Statistical network analysis aims to develop methods that account for the complex dependencies in network data. Over the last few decades, this area has rapidly accumulated methods, including techniques for network modelling and computation. Professor Chen will review some of these developments and their applications to real-world problems, and briefly discuss challenges in this area.Noon-12:45pm: Soo Ah Kwon, CAS Associate 2023-24, Asian American Studies
Youth Activism inside the United Nations
While much of the research on social change seeks to understand how activists are attempting to overthrow dominant systems of power, this talk examines how youth activists organized within institutional boundaries to shape and challenge normative political narratives around economic growth, environment, and youth violence found in international policies. The talk calls for studies of activism to move beyond binaries of reformist/radical, inside/outside, or status-quo/anti-establishment.