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Collaborations to Advance Broader Access to the Quantum Computing Stack

Event Type
IQUIST, IIDAI, Siebel School, GCoE, NCSA
NCSA Building, 1205 W. Clark St., Urbana IL 61801
Feb 14, 2025   8:30 am  
Registration Deadline is February 5, 2025
Aliya Yabekova
Originating Calendar
NCSA Research and Education

Quantum computing in the state of Illinois (and worldwide) is moving forward at a brisk pace.  The Illinois Quantum Information Science and Technology Center (IQUIST) continues to spearhead this effort bringing a variety of quantum stakeholders together to lead this initiative.  

There are still areas in the complete quantum computing stack that are underdeveloped. We intend to identify these areas so that the University of Illinois will continue to be a spearhead into the future of practical quantum computing. The introduction of quantum computing to a broader audience of scientists could be a challenging technology to implement and is critical to complete this picture for the future. Trailblazing the path to develop tools and standards to minimize the barriers to this broader audience will be very helpful to those who could benefit from quantum computing systems.

It is the intention of this workshop to identify these areas, share ideas and determine which entities can fill these roles at University of Illinois.

Intended audience:

  • Researchers with challenging research problems that can potentially benefit from quantum computing.  We welcome those who are uncertain, so we may determine the potential for your research

  • Graduate students and postdocs affiliated with research in classical as well as quantum computing

  • All campus community members interested in quantum computing

  • NCSA staff and faculty affiliates

  • IQUIST faculty, senior personnel

  • GCoE faculty and staff

  • IIDAI performers

  • Siebel School faculty members

Register HERE.

Agenda will be forthcoming. 

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