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Women@NCSA presents "Navigating the Impact of Dobbs Decision on Perinatal and Reproductive Care in Central and Southern Illinois"

Event Type
Women@NCSA, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
wifi event
May 21, 2024   2:00 - 3:00 pm  
Tuyet Mai Ha Hoang, Assistant Professor, UIUC School of Social Work
Originating Calendar
Women@NCSA Events

Women@NCSA invites you to join us on Tuesday, May 21, from 2–3 p.m. via Zoom for an exciting presentation on "Navigating the Impact of Dobbs Decision on Perinatal and Reproductive Care in Central and Southern Illinois," featuring Tuyet Mai Ha Hoang, an assistant professor from the U of I's School of Social Work.

Illinois is among the 24 U.S. states that have implemented protective laws since the Dobbs decision. It remains an outlier in the Midwest region in that it has expanded Medicaid coverage for all reproductive care services (Center for Reproductive Rights, 2023).

In this talk, Dr. Hoang will discuss the socio-historical and changing political context of perinatal health and reproductive crises in the US, especially in Central and Southern Illinois. By advocating for patient-centered approaches and fostering community engagement, she seeks to redefine traditional healthcare solutions to ensure a healthier start for birthing parents and their infants. Her work recognizes the complex nature of individuals' reproductive paths, understanding that we cannot detach the effects of personal, structural, and systemic influences from lived experiences.

✨ About Our Speaker: Tuyet Mai Ha Hoang

Portrait of Tuyet Mai Ha Hoang

Tuyet Mai Ha Hoang (she/her/hers) is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Dr. Hoang’s primary research centers on racism and health inequities, with a focus on identifying the multilevel factors to address health disparities and increase culturally sensitive care for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). She has published work related to the mechanisms of racial bias and the impact of racial discrimination on perinatal BIPOC in accessing quality care and reproductive justice issues.

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