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Research Park Hackathon

Event Type
Research Park
EnterpriseWorks Atrium, 60 Hazelwood Drive, Champaign
Jul 19, 2023   9:00 am - 5:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Research Park Events

Assemble your teams! Join us on Wednesday, July 19 from 8:30 AM-5:00 PM for the Research Park Hackathon.

This one-day hackathon is a team competition open to anyone working for an organization located within the Research Park or EnterpriseWorks. This is an exciting and fast-paced event where teams can create together. New and experienced employees are all invited to participate in this free event. 

This year’s theme: Retro Video Games

Register your team of 3-6 individuals here. Teams may have up to one full-time employee; the rest must be interns. Deadline to register is Monday, July 17th by 5 pm. 

For more information, visit the Research Park website

Please contact Emily Neal at or James Kabbes at with any questions. 

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