Zoom: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/86371314869?pwd=UC9tSFdzS1AwS01FSzN2UkdLR3pKZz09
In this talk I will give an in-depth overview behind my principles when running and organizing a course. I will base this discussion around an overview of how I taught Cornell's introductory python course over the summer (and what I learned in the following Fall semester about scaling to a large course), and then explore a hypothetical course of my design on introductory computer organization. Questions during the presentation are welcome (and I'll have some discussion questions for you prepared, since active engagement is useful!)
Dietrich is a graduating PhD student from Cornell, focusing on programming languages and compilers. They are excited about teaching core CS classes, exploring topics in software testing and compilers, and developing materials and tools to help with student learning. They enjoy drawing, rock climbing, and board games.
Faculty Host: Mattox Beckman
Meeting ID: 863 7131 4869 ; Password: csillinois