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Teaching Special Seminar: Jesse Stern, "Structuring a Course"

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
wifi event
Feb 26, 2024   9:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Special Seminar Series


Designing and managing a university course is a complex endeavour. In this talk, I provide a comprehensive framework for structuring a course, one I use to organize my approach to course planning. Using this framework, I discuss how I design content and delivery methods to enhance learning, organize a course to facilitate smooth daily operations, and how I apply proactive and reactive measures to improve course quality over time. For each topic I discuss my overall philosophy and goals, how I design and manage a course to achieve these goals, and provide examples from courses I have worked on.

I am a 6th year Ph.D. student with a long-time interest in theoretical CS research and in teaching pedagogy with respect to these topics. I graduated from the University of Rochester with a B.A. in Logic and Computation in 2018. My research interests are in computational complexity, combinatorics, cryptography, and algorithms. My recent research includes extremal combinatorial and structural results on finite tilings as well as cryptographic research into reconstructing cloud databases from highly restricted forms of leakage.

Faculty Host: Craig Zilles

Meeting ID: 823 5998 0650  ; Password: csillinois

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