Siebel School Speaker Series Master Calendar

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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR: Student Organization Events & Participation Opportunities for Spring 2023

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
200 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 701, Chicago, IL 60606
wifi event
Jan 19, 2023   5:00 - 6:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Speakers Calendar

There are numerous extra-curricular activities and experiences available to students in CS. Opportunities include gaining leadership and professional development experience, being a mentor or mentee, volunteering for a wide range of service projects, and social events to meet new friends and just have fun. In this session, representatives from CS student organizations and other departmental groups will describe events and opportunities for students to get involved this semester. They are excited to share their opportunities with you - please join us and make plans to do something new this semester!

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