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Special Seminar: Sarah Sterman, "Designing for Process in Computational Creativity Support Tools"

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
Apr 21, 2022   3:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Special Seminar Series

Link to Talk Video:

Abstract: Computational creativity support tools expand what we can create and the mediums in which we can express ourselves.  They also affect how we approach the process of creation — how we structure our work, our mindsets, and our self-perception.  In this talk, I will discuss how engagement with diverse domains of creative practice through qualitative research and system building can expand our vision of the role of computational tools and the values they embody. 

Bio: Sarah Sterman is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, and recipient of the Berkeley Chancellor’s Fellowship and EECS Excellence Award.  Her research interest is in human-computer interaction, designing and studying creativity support tools and how they shape process and lifelong engagement in creative domains.  She has served as an instructor and teaching assistant for a dozen courses across design, HCI, and computer science, and is a recipient of the UC Berkeley Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award. 

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