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Special Teaching Seminar: Maryam Majedi, "Embedded Ethics Modules and Teaching CS Courses"

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
wifi event
Mar 28, 2022   9:00 am  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Special Seminar Series

Abstract: The increased sophistication and vast adoption of communication technologies in all facets of our lives are ushering in an era of data-driven decision-making affecting individuals at all levels. Today's STEM students are tomorrow's technology developers, who increasingly find themselves developing technologies and using data that raise ethical issues, disproportionally and negatively affecting certain groups of people, such as women, people of color, LGBTQ+, low-income individuals, and so on. Despite its importance, courses that contemplate the role of technology in society have been often optional part of curricula for years. An emerging alternative is to embed ethical discussions in the form of modules within CS courses, which is my CS education research focus. In this talk, I discuss my philosophy and approach to teaching and how they are influenced by my CS education research and DEI contributions. I will also discuss experiences with curriculum development, mentoring undergrads, teaching large classes, and my career goals as a computer science teacher.

Bio: Dr. Maryam Majedi recently completed a teaching stream postdoc at the University of Toronto. Her CS education research focuses on embedding ethics into computer science courses. At the University of Toronto, she worked with the Embedded Ethics Education Initiative (E3I) team and developed and delivered ethics modules for computer science courses. Dr. Majedi completed her Ph.D. in data privacy at the University of Calgary. Her Ph.D. work resulted in introducing a new privacy policy modelling technique. She holds a M.Sc. in High-Performance Scientific Computing from the University of New Brunswick and a fellowship in Medical Innovation from Western University.

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