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Professional Development Seminar: Career Opportunities outside of Traditional Tech

Event Type
Professional Development
The Department of Computer Science
wifi event
Oct 28, 2020   5:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Speakers Calendar


Do you wonder what you might do with your computing degree if you don't work in a traditional tech company?  Actually, there are a ton of options where you can use your computing skills and have an exciting and fulfilling career.  This session will feature panelists who can share their personal perspectives and experiences and provide tips on how to find these non-traditional opportunities, including advice on how to succeed and things to watch out for. Come with questions.

Speaker Biographies

Laura Bleill

Laura Weisskopf Bleill manages the community building portfolio of the Research Park at Illinois, developing strategy for Research Park communications, branding and marketing efforts; and directs the Research Park’s efforts to grow and retain its workforce. She is also part of the team that works with new companies interested in exploring Research Park as a solution for their talent and technology challenges. Laura has been on the Research Park team since 2010. An entrepreneur herself, Bleill is CEO of a hyperlocal digital magazine in Champaign-Urbana. Formerly a sportswriter, she has a master’s and bachelor’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University.

Forrest Iandola

Forrest Iandola earned a BS in CS at University of Illinois (2012), and he went on to earn a PhD in EECS at UC Berkeley (2016), where his research focused on deep neural networks. His best-known work includes energy-efficient neural networks such as SqueezeNet and SqueezeDet. His advances in deep learning led to the founding of DeepScale, where he was CEO until its acquisition by Tesla in 2019.

Erik Muro

Erik Muro received his B.S. in Computer Science in 2015 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign working for Capital One Financial as a Software/Data Engineer ever since. Working full-time towards his career he was introduced to an opportunity to build his own business part-time. He never pictured himself as a business owner or an entrepreneur. He got started part-time as he continues to excel in his Computer Science career at Capital One.

Fred Rothganger

Fred Rothganger is a refugee from the world of Artificial Intelligence. He earned his PhD playing with robots and computer vision at the University of Illinois. After sliding into despair about the inherent ceiling of modern AI techniques, he turned to the brain for answers.

Unfortunately, Fred's own brain is too small to understand the brain, so he hopes that machines will do it for him. His focus is on building computer tools to assemble comprehensive models. He leads the development of N2A ("Neurons to Algorithms"), a framework for expressing neural dynamics across a wide range of scales.

Fred has published in computational neuroscience, machine vision and robotics. When he gets fed up with lack of progress in the real world, he writes science fiction.

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