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COLLOQUIUM: Chenyang Lu, "AI for Health with Wearables"

Event Type
Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
HYBRID: 2405 Siebel Center for Computer Science or online
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Sep 23, 2024   3:30 pm  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Colloquium Series


Refreshments Provided.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for solving complex health problems. AI for health is fueled by both the advancement in AI methods and the availability of diverse data. This talk will explore AI-driven precision medicine using wearables that enable unobtrusive monitoring of patients in their daily lives. To harness the full potential of wearables, it is crucial to develop machine learning (ML) models to extract reliable clinical information from noisy and incomplete sensor data. Moreover, these ML approaches need to scale effectively across a wide range of sample sizes, providing robust predictions even with limited data, while enhancing predictive power with large datasets. We will highlight three clinical studies using Fitbit wristbands as wearable instruments. First, we have established a robust feature engineering and ML pipeline specifically tailored for wearable studies with limited sample sizes. This pipeline demonstrated its effectiveness in predicting post-operative complications in a prospective clinical trial of patients undergoing pancreatic surgery. Second, we have developed WearNet, an end-to- end deep learning model designed to detect depression and anxiety disorders using wearable data. WearNet has been trained and validated on a large dataset comprising 8,996 participants, including 1,247 diagnosed with mental health disorders. Finally, we have explored multi-task ML approaches to predict individualized responses to depression therapy based on wearable data collected in a randomized controlled trial (RCT). We conclude the talk by discussing the opportunities and directions in the interdisciplinary field of AI for health, highlighting its transformative impact on healthcare outcomes.

Chenyang Lu is the Fullgraf Professor of Computer Science & Engineering and holds joint appointments as Professor of Anesthesiology and Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis. He is the founding director of the AI for Health Institute (AIHealth), a multidisciplinary institute dedicated to driving AI innovation in health care and public health. In 2022, he was honored with the Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award from the IEEE Technical Community on Real-Time Systems (TCRTS). He has also been recognized by a Test of Time Award from ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), an Influential Paper Award from IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), and nine Best or Outstanding Paper Awards. He is Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems. He also served as Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, and chaired TCRTS and leading conferences on IoT, real-time systems, and cyber-physical systems. He is a Fellow of ACM and IEEE.

Part of the Siebel School Speakers Series. Faculty Host: Tarek Abdelzaher 

Meeting ID: 884 5984 3616 
Passcode: csillinois

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