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Faculty Short Talks: Karrie Karahalios & Tarek Abdelzaher, "Social Info-Dynamics: Towards a Science of Modeling Human Beliefs"

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
wifi event
Oct 4, 2021   12:30 pm  
Originating Calendar
Siebel School Speakers Calendar

Karrie Karahalios 


Tarek Abdelzaher

The talk reports recent work and solicits collaborations on a new research direction (for me); namely, a Science of Social Info-Dynamics. Events of the last several years suggest that information dissemination has become weaponized. If information (and disinformation) is used as a weapon to influence population beliefs and behaviors, what do we know about the effects of this weapon on the population? What models characterize these effects? What disciplines need to be involved in developing such models? How to characterize natural social system dynamics in the belief space and discover their equilibria? What ethical actuation can be implemented in that space to efficiently counteract weaponized information? What analytical foundations underlie the development of the above science? The talk describes early results and solicits interest in further joint exploration.


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