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COLLOQUIUM: Deepak Vasisht, "Wireless Networking at the Extremes: In Space, Farms, and Human Bodies"

Event Type
Illinois Computer Science
wifi event
Jan 25, 2021   3:30 - 4:30 pm  
Candice Steidinger
Originating Calendar
Computer Science Speakers Calendar

Recording available to view at: 

Wireless networks like Wi-Fi and 4G/5G have re-defined most aspects of modern human lives. In this talk, I will discuss new frontiers in wireless networking: high throughput satellite connectivity, data driven agriculture, and in-body devices for digital healthcare. These frontiers present severe challenges for traditional communication methods: lack of reliable power, debugging access, and communication infrastructure. I will present solutions that alleviate these challenges to deliver reliable networking in these extreme scenarios. Specifically, I will present (a) ReMix: a system that can communicate with tiny in-body devices without requiring them to transmit any power, (b) FarmBeats: a system that enable data-driven agriculture in remote rural areas, and (c) DGS: a distributed design that enables low-latency high-throughput data downloads from low latency satellites.

Deepak Vasisht is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. His research is focused on mobile computing and internet-of-things (IoT) systems. He has designed, built, and deployed systems that deliver ubiquitous sensing, accurate indoor positioning, enhanced communication capabilities, and new human computer interfaces. His research on IoT systems for agriculture has been deployed across farms in United States, India, and Africa. His work has been featured in the Economist, IEEE Spectrum, BBC, MIT News, Daily Mail, and CBC amoung others. He is the inaugural Microsoft Industry Research Fellow and a recipient of the ACM SIGCOMMM Best Paper Award, the Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship, and the President's Gold Medal at IIT Delhi. Deepak has an undergraduate degree from IIT Delhi and a Ph.D. from MIT.

Part of the Illinois Computer Science Speakers Series. Faculty Host: Robin Kravets

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