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Department Colloquium: Grothendieck Shenanigans

Event Type
Department of Mathematics
Altgeld 245
Feb 20, 2025   4:00 pm  
Leonid Petrov (Virginia)
Originating Calendar
Mathematics Colloquium & Named Lectures

Abstract: In 2017, Richard Stanley posed a fascinating question:
    What is the asymptotically largest value of a principal specialization of a Schubert polynomial, and which permutation achieves it?
 Although this problem remains out of reach in its full generality, we explore a related scenario by replacing Schubert polynomials with nonsymmetric Grothendieck polynomials. We define an ensemble of random permutations, where each permutation w\in S_n is assigned a probability proportional to the value of the corresponding Grothendieck polynomial. We then ask:
    What do these "Grothendieck random permutations" typically look like for large n?
 We show that these permutations have a limit shape (in the sense of permutons), and their fluctuations are governed by distributions from the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. Based on joint work with Alejandro Morales, Greta Panova, and Dmitriy Yeliussizov ([arXiv:2407.21653](

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