Zoom: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/85867779812?pwd=zN7JLKUkara7vcnoF3zgEeNDtsJOAD.1
Networks is a class offered at Cornell that is cross-listed in Computer Science, Information Science, Economics and Sociology. Anna has taught it four times, in a 3-week format, during Cornell summer and winter sessions. In this talk, Anna will introduce this class and how it exposes students to a novel understanding of the world. She will focus on its interdisciplinary nature as a way to get students thinking deeply about the world, as well as the ways she’s used assignments to further that goal. Other introductory courses in computer science and data science may benefit from an interdisciplinary context, too, and some specific suggestions for that are discussed.
Anna Evtushenko got a PhD in Information Science from Cornell University in 2024. She is now a lecturer of Computer Science at UC Riverside. This year, she is teaching CS 5, an introduction to programming for non-majors. She strives to make fundamental concepts clear and brings real-world events into her curriculum to contextualize learning and take “computer literacy” to a new level.
Faculty Host: Jule Schatz
Meeting ID: 858 6777 9812; Password: csillinois