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LYRIC THEATRE @ ILLINOIS Lyric Theatre is committed to fostering creativity in our students and community by the production of new and never-performed works in various stages of development. We are very excited to share six new works with our audiences: three by established composers and three by School of Music composition students Victor Rangel, Caleb Liddell, and Jiwon Hahn.  Venetian Cycle, songs from the medieval Jewish ghetto, by Ilya Demutsky with poetry by Olga Maslova  Candinho, a children’s opera by João Ripper about the boyhood of the great Brazilian artist Candido Portinari  Rusalka, the popular tale of mermaids set by Ukrainian composer Mikhail Leontovych  The Sentinel, set in a post-apocalyptic US Capitol building, with words and music by Caleb Liddell   A Painful Case, based on the short story by James Joyce, with music by Victor Rangel and libretto by Kathleen McGowan  The Sneeze, based on “The Death of the Government Clerk” by Anton Chekhov, with music by Jiwon Hahn and words by Jolie O’Dell  This is a collaboration with Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, Russian Eurasian East European Center, the Illinois Modern Ensemble, and the Central Illinois Youth Chorus.  TRYON FESTIVAL THEATRE  MUSIC—MUSICAL THEATRE/OPERA  FREE

Six World Premieres

Event Type
Collaboration with the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, Russian Eurasian East European Center, the Illinois Modern Ensemble, and Central Illinois Youth Chorus
Tryon Festival Theatre
May 2, 2023   7:30 pm  
Krannert Center
Originating Calendar
Lemann Center Events

Venetian Cycle: songs from the medieval Jewish ghetto by Ilya Demutsky with poetry by Olga Maslova                       

Candinho: a children’s opera by João Ripper about the boyhood of the great Brazilian artist Candido Portinari

Rusalka: the popular tale of mermaids set by Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych

The Sentinel: set in a post-apocalyptic US Capitol building with words and music by Caleb Liddell

A Painful Case: based on the short story by James Joyce with music by Victor Rangel and libretto by Kathleen McGowan

The Sneeze: based on “The Death of the Government Clerk”

by Anton Chekhov with music by Jiwon Hahn and words by Jolie O’dell



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