Join Online
On behalf of the Department's Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Committee, we would like to invite you to an open meeting to learn about ongoing BPC efforts and share your ideas for how we can create a more inclusive community. In the first half of the meeting, we will share our current representation rates, and committee members will present about our current BPC activities. In the second half of the meeting, feedback, comments, and questions from attendees will be discussed. We will also share a recording of the meeting.
Before the Meeting: You can provide comments and ask your questions during the meeting, or you can submit them prior to the meeting using the anonymous DEI Comments and Questions Form ( The results of this form can be viewed by BPC Committee members. Questions and comments may be read aloud at the Open Meeting. Some comments may be summarized for time purposes. Since this is an anonymous survey, we will not be able to follow-up with you. If you would like follow-up, please provide your contact information or email Colleen Lewis <> or Carolyn Hughes<>. You can also always send concerns to our CS CARES Committee at:
Learn about UIUC CS BPC: To learn more about the department's current BPC Activities, we encourage you to visit our BPC Page or review FAQs from our previous meetings. If you have any questions about this meeting, please feel free to reach out to the BPC programs team: Broadening participation in computing is a core value of our department, and we look forward to this opportunity to share in an open conversation with our entire CS community.
Information about past meetings can be found here: