Siebel School Equity and Justice in Computing Conversations

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Dean's Distinguished Diversity Lecture and Round Table Discussion: Jeff Forbes, "Pathways to Broadening Participation in Computing and Information Science and Engineering"

Event Type
Institute for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access
Campus Instructional Facility (CIF): Lecture in (CIF) 4025 & Round Table Discussions in (CIF) 4031
wifi event
Dec 5, 2022   1:00 - 3:00 pm  
Jeff Forbes, Program Director for the Education & Workforce program in the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (NSF CISE)

Lecture Live Stream Link: 

Bio: Dr. Jeff Forbes is the lead Program Director for the Education & Workforce program in the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (NSF CISE), managing programs that address the critical and complex issues of education and broadening participation in computing. From 2001-2019, Jeff was on the faculty of Duke University where he was an Associate Professor of the Practice of Computer Science. He received his BS and PhD in computer science from Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley, respectively. His research interests include computer science education, social information processing, and learning analytics.

Abstract: The National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) is committed to addressing the longstanding underrepresentation of various populations—including women, persons with disabilities, Blacks and African Americans, Hispanics and Latinos, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders—in computing. Ending underrepresentation will require a range of measures, including institutional programs and activities as well as culture changes across colleges, departments, classes, and research groups. The Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) encourages principal investigators to develop and submit plans to detail how they will broaden participation in computing (BPC) as part of their awarded research projects. This talk will provide an overview of CISE’s efforts in BP, inform participants about the components of a meaningful BP project and departmental plan, highlight ongoing and successful BP activities, and discuss opportunities for funding of BPC.
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