Abstract: Through discussion of a few short videos, we will explore the definition and origin of the term “intersectionality.” Kimberlé Crenshaw, who coined the term, explains in an included video, “Intersectionality is just a metaphor for understanding the ways that multiple forms of inequality or disadvantage sometimes compound themselves, and they create obstacles that often are not understood within conventional ways of thinking about anti-racism or feminism.” The session is intended to be informative, interactive, and inspire attendees to learn more!
Colleen Lewis
Bio: Colleen Lewis is an Associate Professor of CS at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She researches equitable and efficient teaching practices and curates CSTeachingTips.org, a NSF-sponsored project for disseminating effective CS teaching practices.

Kari George
Bio: Kari George is a Computing Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her work examines educational experiences and career pathways in undergraduate and graduate computing, as well as faculty behaviors and organizational practices that support broadening participation in computing. She earned her PhD in Higher Education and Organizational Change from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Vidushi Ojha
Bio: Vidushi is a CS PhD student advised by Dr Colleen Lewis. She is interesting in improving diversity, equity, and access in computing, as well as understanding how student success and well-being is affected by their environment. Her current work includes interviewing PhD students from groups underrepresented in computing to better understand the factors that contribute to their degree completion.