April 17, 2025
12:00-1:00pm CST
1.0 CE for LCSW/LSW and LCPC/LPC
$10 for CEs/Free for no CEs
The current administration is stripping rights away from multiple marginalized communities and the LGBTQIA2S+ community seems to be high on the priority list. People are afraid, but they’re also angry and determined. These threats to our personhood and our civil liberties are not new. They’re the same narrow-minded packages that are wrapped in different bigoted paper.
The acceleration in attacks on the Queer community has made its members even more resolute in protecting each other. Along with our resolution comes heartbreak. Already, in the last month, we have lost too many Trans and Queer siblings to preventable deaths. This is also a too-common refrain. Sadly, we can’t completely protect ourselves by ourselves. We need the non-Queer community to contribute to join our call to action. We need systemic change and support. We need all communities to remember that our survival is intertwined. My liberation is linked with yours.
Registration details to come.