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“Beneath Our Feet: Grounded Space, Place, and Worldmaking” | Interseminars

Event Type
Humanities Research Institute
Levis Faculty Center, Room 300
Sep 27, 2024   4:00 pm  
Humanities Research Institute
Originating Calendar

This is part of the culminating event series with Interseminars "Improvise & Intervene." View the full schedule and programming details.

Panel: Improvise & Intervene Reflections and Acknowledgements

For this cohort of Interseminars fellows and conveners, circle-keeping and reflection have been a methodological commitment. In this talkback, we invite you to learn and hear about the joys, challenges, and lessons of forming an interdisciplinary collective. Refreshments will be served.

Improvise & Intervene Collective:

  • Jackie Abing [Anthropology, Fellow, Audio & Text Coordinator]
  • Joe Bowie [Dance, Fellow, Welcome & Embracing Lead]
  • Etienne Fields [Recreation, Sport and Tourism, Fellow]
  • Gabriel Gonzalez [Dance, Fellow]
  • Maryam Kashani [Gender and Women’s Studies and Asian American Studies, Convener
  • Nathalie Martinez [Anthropology, Fellow, Audioscape Lead]
  • Marina Moscoso [Geography, Fellow]
  • Joseph Obanubi [Art & Design, Fellow, Art and Spatial Direction and Curational Lead]
  • Junaid Rana [Asian American Studies, Convener]
  • Sayak Roy [Geography, Fellow]
  • Elizabeth Velásquez Estrada [Latina/o Studies, Convener]
  • Dora Watkins [Social Work, Fellow, Curational Lead]

The Interseminars Initiative is supported by the Mellon Foundation, the Humanities Research Institute, the Graduate College, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Fine and Applied Arts, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation.

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