IDEA Institute Master Calendar

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Minoritized Student Audio Narratives to Influence Faculty’s Empathic Understanding and Inclusive Practice

Event Type
Professional Development
Grainger Engineering DEEP Center
wifi event
Mar 26, 2025   1:00 - 2:00 pm   CDT (2 pm - 3 pm EDT)
Dr. Cassandra McCall, Utah State University and Dr. Stephen Secules, Florida International University
Registration required to receive the Zoom meeting link
Ellen Wang Althaus
Originating Calendar
Developing Equity-Minded Engineering Practitioners Center (DEEP)

Workshop is open to faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students! 


Undergraduate engineering education is a critical moment for student experiences and broadening participation, yet many minoritized students experience it as unwelcoming, unsupportive, or exclusionary. Engineering faculty have a central role and responsibility to play in the creation of inclusive classrooms, yet there is a gap in empathic communication for faculty to better understand their students.

In this workshop, attendees will engage with recorded audio narratives of the experiences of minoritized students in engineering. We will unpack lessons learned in the areas of student support, accommodations, inclusive practice, and student perceptions of classroom practice. We also highlight our research as a metaphor for the empathic understanding that each faculty member can gain by listening to students, individually and collectively, and distilling lessons for their practice.

About the Workshop Presenters

Dr. Stephen Secules is an Assistant Professor in the School of Universal Computing, Construction, and Engineering Education at Florida International University. Secules holds a joint appointment in the STEM Transformation Institute and a secondary appointment in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. He has bachelor degrees in engineering from Dartmouth College, a master’s in Architectural Acoustics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a PhD in Education (Curriculum and Instruction) from the University of Maryland. Prior to his academic career, Stephen was an acoustical consultant for 5 years in both London, UK and Silicon Valley, CA. His research has focused on culture and equity in engineering education, particularly undergraduate contexts, pedagogy, and student support. Through his work he aims to use critical qualitative, video-based, participatory, and ethnographic methods to look at everyday educational settings in engineering and shift them towards equity and inclusion. He also leads the Equity Research Group where he mentors graduate and undergraduate students in pursuing critical and action-oriented research.

Dr. Cassandra McCall is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Education Department and Co-Director of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Transition Services at Utah State University. She holds bachelor's and master's degrees in Civil Engineering with a Structural Engineering emphasis from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, as well as a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Virginia Tech. McCall’s research focuses on disability access, identity formation, and culture to expand the participation of people with disabilities in STEM. Using anti-ableist approaches and qualitative methods, she works to identify systemic opportunities for making engineering education more accessible and inclusive for all students. She serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Engineering Education and Studies in Engineering Education, and recently co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Rehabilitation Act

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