ACES Study Abroad

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Info Session #2: NRES 385 - Conservation and Culture in India

Event Type
ACES Study Abroad
Turner Hall Room W-121
Apr 16, 2025   4:00 pm  

Join us to learn about NRES 385: Conservation and Culture in India! This course introduces students to sustainable practices in conservation in the Western Ghats, a biodiversity hotspot in India. Students will get an immersive experience in the rich tapestry of ancient traditions, cultures, monuments, food, performing arts, and religious festivals. Students will visit nationally important forests and get firsthand experience with forest conservation practices in a tropical, developing nation. Agro-forestry, invasive species management, sustainable livelihood and ethical harvesting, organic waste management, climate change mitigation, and socio-economic impact to local resource-based communities will be emphasized in a two-week hands-on immersive experience spanning different ecosystem complexes in north and west central India.  

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