Come learn more about the summer 2022 faculty-led program: Environment & Society in a Changing Arctic!
**Due to anticipated snowfall, this info session will now only be offered virtually**
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 4987 9044
Password: 080009
Topics will include: course and study tour overivew, on-site details, credits, costs, application requirements, and next steps.
This course focuses on the increasing international interest in the Arctic in the wake of the global climate change, and growing international demand for minerals and energy resources and environmental damages, which is having profound effects across the circumpolar North. The course also examines how the harsh arctic climate has shaped arctic communities, and how arctic communities have impacted portions of the arctic environment. Students will develop skills to rigorously analyze arctic problems. Students will spend part of the time in Stockholm and part of time in the Swedish Arctic conducting field research.
App Deadline: February 15 (APPLY HERE)