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First Tuesday Interfaith Dialogue: Sharing Your Faith Story

Event Type
Illinois Interfaith Planning Committee, Interfaith in Action, University Housing, & the University YMCA
University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright St., Champaign
Mar 1, 2022   7:00 pm  
Ross Wantland
+1 217 244 1814

Sharing Your Faith Story

One of the most important parts of being an interfaith leader is knowing how to share your journey in faith or even your journey from faith.  College is a time of major life transition for students and it can definitely affect the spiritual parts of our lives as well.  Some may find themselves delving deeper into the faith in which they were raised and others may be deciding to leave parts of their childhood faith behind. 

Join us in person at 7pm on March 1st, 2022 at the University YMCA Murphy Lounge, 1001 S. Wright St., Champaign to learn how to share your faith story authentically to others and also share some stories of your faith journey thus far in a safe and inclusive setting. 

It seems like wherever you look, you’ll find stories of religious strife and images of hatred and violence. It’s no wonder the narrative around religious difference is constantly about conflict. Let's come together to tell a different story. All people of religious and non-religious philosophical traditions are welcome! 

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