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SMAART Symposium: Climate Justice and Climate Futures

Event Type
European Union Center and CAS Climate | Change Research Initiative
Levis Faculty Center RM 210
Mar 7, 2025 - Mar 8, 2025   All Day
Jamie Jones
Originating Calendar
Campus Humanities Calendar

What does it mean to imagine and implement climate justice?  This interdisciplinary symposium is driven by the urgent need for a range of interventions and tools: critique, experimentation, imagination, pragmatics and policy. Bringing together thinkers from Europe and the U.S., speakers explore climate, energy, and infrastructure across networked urban and regional scales: from city to region to nation to planet.

The symposium stages a conversation among scholars and practitioners who too rarely are in conversation, but have much to learn from each other. The symposium is made possible by the European Union Center’s funding as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, through the project:  SMAART: Sustainable Methods for Adapting and Adopting Regional Technologies. It is generously co-sponsored by the Climate | Change Research Initiative at the Center for Advanced Study at UIUC.

For further information or for disability accommodation, please contact Jessica Greenberg ( or Jamie Jones (

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