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Your Guide to the English Honors Thesis | A "How-to" Alumni Panel Discussion

Event Type
Department of English
wifi event
Nov 1, 2023   5:15 - 6:15 pm  
Catharine Gray
Originating Calendar
Life of the Department

The English Honors Program will be hosting our first 'how-to' panel on preparing for and writing the 20–25-page English honors thesis, featuring three of our recently graduated students: Zoe Fieweger, Abby Masucol, and Ashley Wills. The panel discussion will be held over Zoom. 

Any students considering entering the English Honors Program or writing an English honors thesis at some point are encouraged to attend. 

During this Zoom Panel, Catharine Gray, the director of undergraduate studies, will go over some of the basics of the honors program. Our panel of Illinois graduates, all of whom successfully completed an honors thesis in Spring 2023, will share their experiences of the process, while offering tips and insights on preparing for, researching, and writing the thesis. The panel will discuss how to decide on a topic, director, and proposal; how to research; and how to draft and revise such a long paper. There will also be a Q & A session afterward, time permitting.

To access this Zoom panel on November 1st, please use this link to join the meeting

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