Illinois Global Institute

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Book Talk: Transnational Palestine with Nadim Bawalsa

Event Type
Center for Advanced Study; Center for African Studies; Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies; Center for Global Studies; Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies; Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies; Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity; European Union Center; Illinois Global Institute; LAS Global Studies; Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies; The Program in Arms Control & Domestic & International Security; Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center
Apr 1, 2025   12:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
Lemann Center Events

Speaker: Dr. Nadim Bawalsa, an historian of modern Palestine. He holds a PhD in History and Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies from New York University.

Description: Tens of thousands of Palestinians migrated to the Americas in the final decades of the nineteenth century and early decades of the twentieth. By 1936, an estimated 40,000 Palestinians lived outside geographic Palestine. Transnational Palestine is the first book to explore the history of Palestinian immigration to Latin America, the struggles Palestinian migrants faced to secure Palestinian citizenship in the interwar period, and the ways in which these challenges contributed to the formation of a Palestinian diaspora and to the emergence of Palestinian national consciousness

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