Illinois Global Institute

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Welcome to the calendar of the Illinois Global Institute. We are home to 10 longstanding international area studies centers and thematic programs. Bringing the units together as part of the IGI will improve organizational support, raise visibility, and foster additional cross-campus collaboration on essential international programs

Atrocities in the Levant through the Jesuit Archives: The Great Famine in Lebanon 1915-1918

Event Type
History Department, Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Center for Global Studies & International and Area Studies Library
International Area Studies Library 1408 Gregory Dr. #321, Urbana, IL 61801
Apr 23, 2025   10:00 am - 5:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
CSAMES events

The event includes an exhibition at the main library of around 50 documents and pictures from the Jesuits archives in Lebanon.
The exhibition will occur from Monday 22, April to Friday 26, April 2025.
In addition, the head of the History department at the Jesuit University in Beirut will be invited to give two talks about the archives, on Wednesday 23, April 2025, between 10 am and 5 pm.


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