Illinois Global Institute

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Welcome to the calendar of the Illinois Global Institute. We are home to 10 longstanding international area studies centers and thematic programs. Bringing the units together as part of the IGI will improve organizational support, raise visibility, and foster additional cross-campus collaboration on essential international programs

Comportments of Kurdish Pleasure: Interjecting Leisure as a Necessary Archive

Event Type
This event is hosted by HRI Interdisciplinary Sport Studies Research cluster members in conjunction with the following partners: Humanities Research Institute, EPOL Forum on the Futures of Public Education, Department of Anthropology, Center for Global Studies, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center, Recreation, Sport & Tourism, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity (WGGP).
Davenport Hall 230
Feb 24, 2025   3:00 - 4:30 pm  
Originating Calendar
Center for Global Studies: Cosponsored Events

The HRI Interdisciplinary Sport Studies Research cluster members are pleased to announce the upcoming guest talk: "Comportments of Kurdish Pleasure: Interjecting Leisure as a Necessary Archive" by Dr. Stan Thangaraj, Stonehill College

Next Monday, February 24th, 3-4:30 PM - Davenport Hall Room 230

This event is hosted in conjunction with the following partners: Humanities Research Institute, EPOL Forum on the Futures of Public Education, Department of Anthropology, Center for Global Studies, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center, Recreation, Sport & Tourism, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity (WGGP). 

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