Illinois Global Institute

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Welcome to the calendar of the Illinois Global Institute. We are home to 10 longstanding international area studies centers and thematic programs. Bringing the units together as part of the IGI will improve organizational support, raise visibility, and foster additional cross-campus collaboration on essential international programs

The Palestinian Citizens in Israel in Time of Crisis

Event Type
Center for African Studies, Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Illinois Global Institute, Program in Jewish Culture & Society, Salaam Middle East & North Africa Cultural Center; Center for East Asian and & Pacific Studies, Center for Global Studies, Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies, European Union Center, LAS Global Studies; Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, Program in Arms Control & Domestic and International Security, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center, Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Program
Latzer Hall (inside University YMCA); 1001 S. Wright St., Champaign
Sep 25, 2024   6:00 pm  
Prof. Mohammad Darawshe
Illinois Global Institute
Originating Calendar
Illinois Global Institute Event

Prof. Mohammad Darawshe is the Director of Strategy, Givat Haviva Center for Shared Society.

Please note: Co-sponsoring units house diverse perspectives but all hold that a healthy university atmosphere requires discussion, debate and dialogue.

If you will need disability-related accommodations in order to participate in this event, please contact Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs.

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