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Dr. Nathaniel Mathews' Book Talk: "Zanzibar Was a Country: Exile and Citizenship between East Africa and the Gulf"

Event Type
Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Oct 8, 2024   12:00 - 1:00 pm  
Originating Calendar
CSAMES events

Nathanial MathewAssociate Professor of Africana Studies at SUNY- Binghamton

Against a backdrop of massive structural shifts in the economic balance of power within the Indian Ocean basin, Zanzibar Was a Country explores the crossed history of struggles for citizenship in Oman and Zanzibar after the 1964 Zanzibar Revolution, including the failure of electoral democracy in Zanzibar, long distance Zanzibar nationalism, the negotiation of the politics of citizenship in diaspora and in the ethnic homeland of Oman, and the return of the exiles to Zanzibar two and a half decades after the revolution. 

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