Illinois Global Institute

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Welcome to the calendar of the Illinois Global Institute. We are home to 10 longstanding international area studies centers and thematic programs. Bringing the units together as part of the IGI will improve organizational support, raise visibility, and foster additional cross-campus collaboration on essential international programs

22nd Annual Women's and Gender History Symposium: "Gender Taking Place"

Event Type
History Graduate Student Association; Department of History; Center for Advanced Study (CAS); Russian, East European and Eurasian Center (REEEC); Office of the Provost; Department of Landscape Architecture; Humanities Research Institute (HRI); School of Information Sciences; School of Labor and Employment Relations; Department of Gender & Women’s Studies; Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies (CEAPS); College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Department of Religion; Department of Classics; Department of Latina/Latino Studies; American Indian Studies Program; Department of Geography and GIS; Department of Communication; Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures; Women and Gender in Global Perspectives; Women’s Resource Center; Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures; Program in Comparative and World Literature; Graduate Employees Organization (GEO); Program in Medieval Studies
108 Levis Faculty Center
Mar 1, 2024 - Mar 2, 2024   All Day
Originating Calendar
European Union Center Events

Thursday, February 29
5-7pm – Opening Reception for Symposium Registrants and Guests of the History Department

Friday, March 1
9:30-11am – Research Methodologies and Praxis Workshop, featuring keynote speakers Dr. Jessica Zychowicz and Dr. Rosalyn LaPier
11:30am – Lunch for Symposium Registrants and Guests of the History Department
12:15-1:15 pm – Keynote by Dr. Zychowicz
1:30 – 4pm – Panels
4-6pm – Reception for Symposium Registrants and Guests of the History Department

Saturday, March 2, 2024
9:00 am – Breakfast for Symposium Registrants
9:30-10:30 am – Keynote by Dr. LaPier
11 am – 12:15 pm – Panel
12:30 pm – Lunch
1:30 – 2:45pm – Panel

For more information, please visit the symposium website.

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